Convention Schedule
Friday, February 7
6 - 10 PM: Cash bar and appetizers, MRER Bingo, MRER Password
Monroe’s Bar/Restaurant-Ballroom
Saturday, February 8
7:30- 8:30 AM: Registration and Trade Show
8:30-10:00 AM: Nancy Loving, DVM "Optimizing Your Horse's Soundness & Longevity"
10:00-10:30 PM: Break/Trade Show
10:30-12:00 PM Nancy Loving, DVM -" A Proactive Approach for a Great AERC Ride"
12:00-1:30 PM/Lunch/Trade Show/Raffle
1:30-3:00 PM: Naomi Preston "TTEAM/TTouch for Endurance-Pt 1
3:00-3:30 PM: Break/Trade Show
3:30 PM – 5:00 PM "TTEAM/TTouch for Endurance"-Pt 2
6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: -No-Host Cocktails
7PM - 11 PM: Dinner, Awards, Heads/Tails, Auction, Hall of Fame Inductions
Sunday, February 11
9:00 AM - Noon: MRER Board Meeting, open to all members
Convention Registration
(Print and mail the form below and send your check to Claudine Jaksch by Jan 26, 2024)
Address _______________________________________________________________
Phone ______________________Email______________________________________
# Coming Preregistration At the door
_____ Lecture/Lunch/Award Banquet@ $125 $125 $150 $_______
_____ Lecture/Lunch @ $85/person $85 $ 110 $_______
_____ Award Banquet @ $50/person $50 $ 75 $_______
_____ Trade Show Table @ $25/table $ 25 + raffle donation
_____ Raffle Tickets @ $1 each $ 1 $ 1 $_______
Total Amount $_______
Payment must accompany registration by Jan 25, 2025
Mail to: Claudine Jaksch, 3710 Majestic Mountain Rd, Sedalia, CO 80135
Before: Jan 25, 2025
To Cancel:
Call: Claudine Jaksch -303-814-3050
or email
by Jan 25, 2025 and receive a full refund.